Sunday, November 11, 2007

The Purpose

I wanted to start a blog that was a repository for everything that I thought, directly or indirectly, had to do with understanding how architecture affects human experience. It could manifest as articles that inspire new thought about the relationship, or images that make people rethink their own perceptions.

It is NOT intended to "prove" the connection of neuroscience and architecture, but promote that there is something worth pursuing in this possible relationship.


meredith said...

Yippee! Thanks for doing this MT.
One of the things I have students looking at right now is the Denver Art Museum and how this (negatively) affects people's perception ( and is it ethical to design a public building which is not universally cognitively accessible by all... one of my friends has a family history of balance/vestibular problems and was very ill when I took her here...

eMpTy said...

This is a great example. You should post something about it!